Alongside raising funds to support clean water and sanitation projects,
an important element of wI's work is to actively contribute to the global
debate around the better preservation and usage of our precious water
This can take a number of forms, including:
Through its work, wI is continuously building an extensive contact network of conservationists and specialists in the field of water - its usage, protection, distribution, etc - as well as in water-related fields such as agriculture, forestry, marine conservation, renewable energy (particularly water-generated, such as hydro-electric power, tidal energy, etc) and horticulture in urban environments including parks, pocket parks, roof terraces, living green walls, interior gardens and external gardens.
As an extension to its fund raising activities wI may, where feasible, consider taking on paid advisory or consultancy roles in such linked fields, thereby making beneficial use of its expertise and contact network. When considering applications for such services, wI will only take on projects which directly relate to our charity's stated aims and which do not involve taking on, or supporting, any particular political or ideological stance. All monies raised through fees and charges (following the deduction of any necessary expenses) go into the charity's coffers for the furtherment of its charitable aims.